Get Fit Adventure
Everyone Welcome
If you are an individual who used to enjoy walking but lost your motivation and fitness or do you want to get started to improve your wellness and overall health, then Get Fit Adventure is just for you.
Everyone walks for their own reasons, whether for friendship, manage health conditions or boost their wellbeing. The outdoors is proven to help both mentally and physically
Be active for everyone:
Fitness level doesn’t matter: walks are over low level terrain and at a steady pace to suit everyone.
No special equipment is needed.
Social and friendly group
Fully trained and qualified leaders
Our Instructor Gareth is a fully trained and qualified expedition leader and is a UK level 3 sports and conditioning coach / sports coach so will be able to answer all your related health questions.
Why Get Fit Adventure?
Short 20 minute walks and 5 minute cardio workout
Trained Instructor
No pressure to complete workout
Get Fit Adventure runs on a Tuesday morning, term time, at Hyde Park, Tameside .
We meet at 09:30am at the central bandstand and the programme is fully funded however there is an option of a donation ticket at £2 to support or commitment to the emergency service
Register on booking page